
  1. E9.2 Create nested multi-level JSON payload

    We have a requirement to create JSON payload with multi-level/nested segments as follows. I was able to get Header and Detail nodes with two headless-detail forms but limited to two levels only. Also tried using power browse with tab pages. Neither generated the required structure. Please...
  2. dtujo2022

    E9.2 Sending Array/DataSet to Connector POST REST

    An orchestration that my team is working on is needs to make an external POST request to an external application. The data is formatted similar to this in orchestration output: { "var1": "abc", "var2": "xyz", "var3": 123, "array": [ { "avar1": 123...
  3. E9.2 JDE Orchestrator Connector Malformed Response

    Hi, We are calling a REST/POST API from Orchestrator - using a connector through a connection - and it works well. However, when there are issues with say the data or duplicates etc, the API will return a JSON file, but it'll return a http code of say 422 - suffice to say it's not returning...
  4. E9.2 Pass a JSON string through a Connector

    Hello, I want to use a Connector in which I call an external web service & I use a JSON file to send. I would be generating a different JSON every time, so the Orchestrator would receive such a file as a text or CLOB. I.e. a variable. I know the Orchestrator Studio has the sections: Pathing...
  5. jdecoder

    E9.2 How to loop a connector to perform Pagination on JSON response with possible_pages = n

    Hi, I have a rest endpoint something like this : https://baseurl/v2/some_method?page=0&dayRange=365 which return JSON paylod something like this : { "data":[ {"person_id": "a739fc72-ccd4-46b9-b236-9b25ce1651bb", "person_name": "BEN", "employee_number": "1045469",…}, {"person_id"...
  6. AIS Form P42101 Submitting with Warnings

    Hello! I'm having an issue where I'm trying to submit an order with the P42101 form through AIS when warnings are present. When I submit a normal order with no warnings, I'm not having an issue, my JSON goes through fine, and I get an order number and my order is saved to the database. When I...
  7. ybuffetaud

    B98ORCH output : parsing the output value in vase of exception

    Hi I have the requirement to get the output from the orchestration response in case of failure. We would like to create a table dedicated to end users, so they could now why their request failed. So if my output is like that : { "status":"ERROR", "message" ...
  8. jdecoder


    Hi All, I am on JDE APP 8.12 Tool 8.98.27 we have couple of BSSVs with SOAP . I wanted to know if it is possible to Use BSSV to consume REST/JSON services and if anyone has successfully implemented this combination. Let me know if you need to know more information on my environment. Jdecoder...