Procurement - Receipt Routing - For All Items/Suppliers


Hello All,

My client asked me to configure one receipt route for all items regardless of the supplier.

Currently, I see that I need to do such setup for every item and every supplier in P43090.

Is there a way or a setup to force a default route for all items irrelevant of the setup in P43090?

I was thinking of an sql script to fill the table F43090 for all items for all suppliers (I have no idea of the potential suppliers of each items). And this script needs to be called for example every week to fill in the new items/new suppliers. But this looks dummy to me.

I would appreciate your assistance on the subject.

Best regards
Itani Mohamed
Create new route and attach that route at Branch/Plant constant and At the processing option of Purchase Form. Then it will be applicable to all purchased items.
Hi ,

I could not able to locate this. Can you please elaborate the application and it's navigation.

Thanks, Aleem
Hi Itani Mohamed,

We also use only one Receipt Route.

Here is how we handled this. We have Supplier Analysis turned on in P4310 so that records get written to F43090. We have a nightly batch program to update records in F43090 with the Receipt Route we use. We also do insert records for default supplier set up for the item in Item Master.

This serves the purpose for us. But, if there is an alternative standard way to handle it, I am all ears.

Hope this helps,
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