CRM - Case Management


Looking for someone with setup knowledge of Case Management. We are getting the following two errors after clicking 'ADD'. I have checked the AB setup for S/WM and we have 'Service Provider' setup.

1. Address Number - Invalid

A form level error has occurred.
CAUSE: The address number entered is not found in the Address Book
Master file (F0101).
RESOLUTION: Enter a valid address number.
ER Details:
Form P90CG504_W90CG504A
Event Post Dialog is Initialized
Line No 30
BSFN Details:
Source File n1701540.c
Source Line 288
Error ID 0037

2. S/WM Service Provider Info Missing

A form level error has occurred.
Cause: S/WM Service Provider Information is not set up for the user.
RESOLUTION: Go to Address Book to inquire user address number. Go to S/WM
Information and set up Service Provider Information.
I'm just seting up Case Management myself - having to learn fast!

Is the users address set up against thir YserID (P0092)
In the Address book select users affress ->Row Exit S/WM
Add service provider
Mail Box Providet =60
Time Zone and dailight Saving Rule needed adding for us.

Hope this helps.
I am having the same issue. I have made sure that my user address number is setup against P0092 as mentioned. I have configured the address book who's who, set myself as a search type of "C" and configured the S/WM portion of the address book with time zone, daylight savings, etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as I can not set up a model work order in our test environment at this point.
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