

Has anyone encountered a scenario where user roles change frequently (ie cross training and vacation coverage), and what best practice approach they have taken (ie assign new profile or create new role/group).
Depends on the situation. In Xe, using the Solution Explorer you can setup a user in multiple roles. The roles give you what tasks are available for the user to use. However, the authority goes back to whatever group is associated with that person.

In EO8.9, you will be able to setup that person into multiple roles and the person will have the authority of whatever role they are signed on as. So it will be a more useful option.

If you are not yet using Solution Explorer, or cannot figure out what group to assign a user to in order to be able to access all of the options for both roles, then I would use multiple user ids, because I personally don't like having to change one profile back and forth between groups. Also, where is the audit trail of when the user was authorized as one group vs. another.