In reference to jdeDirect


Good and thank you in advance for your answers.

Studying the possible uses for the access to the data gives OneWorld in our sistema he gives JDEdwards, we are contemplating the possibility he gives to use a tool he gives the type ODBC denominated jdeDirect. We are studying their possibilities but we would like to know the operation and yield gives this software in yours systems. I request they give us some information in this respect.

Thank you.
It is in use at a site I have worked at. Their finance people are using it to extract data to Crystal Reports and Excel and seem to like it a lot.

From a developer's point of view it is quite convenient to be able to run Access queries and still get proper representation of dates and numerics.


We use JDE Direct with Crystal Report. It is very good to give users access to JDE data without problem.
It is read-only, so you don't have to worry about people playing around.
It uses the same security as JDE, so users will not get more access than what they have through the application.

Once installed, it is totally transparent: no knowledge of ODBC to have to use it. You just use your report writer/excel as you would with any data.

In short, it is a very good option!


HAve used at client site
Easy to set up ODBC -
PLUS - ability to set up with real names for files and fields or short names for JDE experienced staff
PLUS - uses JDE security
PLUS - client does not need to spend lots on training ERW etc for what will be simple queries most of the time
PLUS - ability to publish reports for use by end users - thereby getting controlled reports whilst still giving users ability to write simple reports when deemed appropriate

MINUS - not found any yet
I have used jdeDirect and if you have used Access it is quite similar with its drag and drop features. Probably the time it saves not having to look-up the field names, etc. alone pays for the software after several uses.
I have had a play with JDEDirect - both the simple browser tool and the ODBC used with Access and Crystal. It is simple and transparent. You get a good useable window on your data. I can't add much to what has already been said....... other than to say that I highly recommend it. It is definite 'must' for all JDE Users.