Update package installs slowly



Well Known Member
We have noticed that when we do an installation of an update package to a workstation, it always takes at least ten minutes just to start the installation. It waits at the "Looking for installed objects" stage. This seems to happen in all of our installations, and it doesn't matter if it is an update package with only one table in it.

Has anyone else experienced this and found a workaround that speeds up the installation of update packages to workstations?

Thanks in advance.
Check to see if any virus software is resident on the clients. This is often set to 'check all files' - this slows down the installation. You didn't mention how the packages are being deployed. Are you are setting up so users log in and then accept the update package? Is it possible, a large number of users are doing this at the same time?


Technical Consultant

(CNC / Xe / AS400 / Citrix)
Thanks for your answer, Sanjeev. They *do* have their virus protection set to "all files". Unfortunately, they won't change this (with reason: they have some very aggresive viruses in their network), so I guess we'll have to live with it. At least we know why now.

We are setting up so that users accept the package. But the slowdown occurs even when we only deploy to a single workstation. I think that in the end, it is what you say: the virus checking software is slowing it down.

Thanks for the help!
Tim :

You can tell the antivirus to skip files like *.XDB, *.DDB, *.C, *.H, *.OBJ
and *.LIB.
Every full package has literally thousands of these files and they can't be
executed, thus
they don't pose a security risk. *.XDB and *.DDB files fill up to 1.5 Gb of

Sebastian Sajaroff
This problem goes away by deleting the package.inf on the client workstation. The update then goes immediately from serching for installed components to actually installing.
Ah, now I understand. Someone else had mentioned this to me, and I thought they were telling me to get rid of package.inf on the *server*!

I have some packages to install today, and I'll try out what you say here. Thanks.

I would also be interested in the outcome.


That raises another question, if the client package.inf is the cause the slow install, how do you prevent is from being delivered to the client in the first place.
