Sales price level


Hello, List!
Our items are in lots.
We need to specify price level for item in item and Branch/plant level (2 in Item Master), but for some lots (expired or damaged) we want set up price individually (as if 3 in Item Master).
Has anybody solved this problem?

Can I ask what you would accomplish by doing this? One idea - have you
thought about creating a new part number like if the part was ABC... then
set up ABC-Expired or ABC-X.. and then set the price level to 3 on that part
number? You could do an Item Reclassification to change the part numbers
from the ABC to the ABC-x (Plus it gives you the ability to see what you
changed in the Item ledger. Let me know what you think? Thanks, Bobby

Our items are in lots.
We need to specify price level for item in item and Branch/plant level (2 in
Item Master), but for some lots (expired or damaged) we want set up price
individually (as if 3 in Item Master).
Has anybody solved this problem?

No.This required for distribution company where incoming and outgouing lots for ~5000 items every day. In this situation the best solution is price level 2 in IM, but for some lots (expired or damaged) we want to set up price individually (as if 3 in Item Master). Item Reclassification do not match our needs, because this is the way for doubling Item Master.
I am curious then... why set up separate pricing for the expired or damaged
lot? I am interested in the learning the business need. thanks, Bobby
This is required in order to sell items when lot is expaired or near lot expiration date.Thanks