Zero tags for Physical Inventory


Reputable Poster
JDE does not generate Zero tags for items that have been frozen but not counted during the Tag Count Physical Inventory process. I am writing a custom program to generate Zero tags. Have any of you written a program to generate Zero tags? I am confused about the logic. Should I write Zero tags for every item that has been frozen but not counted or for every item/location that has been frozen but not counted or every item/location lot combination that has been frozen but not counted?

I posted this in the One World forum but did not receive a response and thought that some of the World developers may have an answer.

One World Xe,SP23_V1,AS/400,V5R4
I am confused.=C2=A0 Sounds like you are saying that you have a physical in ventory count going on.=C2=A0 That should generate a tag for each part/loca tion situation.=C2=A0 If you have a quantity of 0 for a part in a location, then you should enter a quantity of 0.=C2=A0 Why should you be trying to g enerate a 0 tag?=C2=A0 This may be why you are not getting any response to your question - does not make sense what you are doing.=C2=A0 You would hav e to provide much more detail on what exactly your situation is and what yo u are trying to do.
John Dickey

I am trying to write a program that will generate tags for items that have been frozen but not counted. If I have frozen 100 items but counted only 95 then I have to write tags for the 5 that were not counted. I am trying to write a program that will generate tags for these 5 items that were frozen but not counted because there were none to be counted. So my program should generate 5 tags for those 5 items with a zero count. So I am guessing that my program should generate five F4160 records for those 5 items and then update the field PJCCCD in F4141 with 1 for those items. What I was trying to ask was should it generate the tags for every item that is frozen but not counted or every item/location combination that is frozen but not counted or every item/location/lot combination that is not counted.
For example if I froze item A and location A but when counting I counted item A in location B. Should i create a tag for item A location A with zero count?

I tried to explain this as best as I can but my apologies if it is confusing.

Well, your use of the word "frozen" is what is confusing me.=C2=A0 The phys ical inventory process is that you run the Select Items For Count Program. =C2=A0 That will use the F41021 file to generate your inventory tags.=C2=A0 If you don't have any inventory for a part number anywhere, there likely w ill not be an F41021 record, so there will be no tag for that part number. =C2=A0 If the F41021 does have a record, then depending on your data select ion, it may include 0 amount records in the tag file.=C2=A0 If you have a t ag and you don't count anything for that location, then you pull up that ta g and enter a quantity of 0.=C2=A0 You don't have to generate a tag.=C2=A0 You already have generated the tag.
Now maybe what you are saying is that you count inventory in a location and you did not generate a tag for that part/location combination?=C2=A0 Which would indicate that the system thinks there was no inventory for that part number in that location.=C2=A0 In that case then you have a problem, as yo u have no existing tag number.=C2=A0 This is where you would need to genera te some blank tags.=C2=A0 Would have a tag number, but no part number and m aybe/maybe not a location value, depending on how you generate.=C2=A0 Then you would record your count on one of those blank tag numbers and pull up t hat tag number and enter the count information in there.=C2=A0 You mentione d being in Enterprise One, so not sure how similar that is to World.=C2=A0 If you have a test environment, do a simple test physical inventory in ther e and test the process.=C2=A0 If you run into issues, contact support for a ssistance.=C2=A0 They can go in and look at your data, which we cannot do o n this list, and thus better
help you than we can.
John Dickey
ive been there

the company i was working for , from time to time manage to find items in locations different from the ones we have in the tags [we only generate tags for items that have lipqoh (f41021)<>0 ]

what we do with those items its create a record in F41021 with 0 quantity, to create a record of that item for that location , and run again a version of the select items for count (with data selection = item found and Qty=0) this will add only the item to the cycle count , after that run the program that print the tags and finnaly we update the cycle count with the quantity counted

and let the system to create the adustments needed