Working Day vs. Weekends


Active Member

I am looking for a Business Function that determines if a specified calendar day is a Working Day (Monday to Friday) or a Weekend.

I believe that this can be controlled by the Shop Floor Calendar Table (F0007).
So, if you use the OW xref facility and inquire against business functions that reference F0007 this might answer your question.

Good luck.

F_Papineau <[email protected]> wrote:

I am looking for a Business Function that determines if a specified calendar day is a Working Day (Monday to Friday) or a Weekend.

XE Update 6 SP 20 Oracle 8.1.7
If you have F0007 set up properly. Check this out B0000149(Is Date a Workdate).

Hope this help.
That's interresting, I'll check this out.
Thanks to both of you for the quick answer.
Hi all,

I use this B0000149 two months ago, and it works fine.
But our Shop Floor Caldendar Table F0007 changes. All days of months become working days on shift code (CZSHFT) equal to "Blank".
We will to use CZSHFT!="Blank" to determine working Days vs. Weekends .It seems that B0000149 has somes troubles with this code.He doesn't use this key ( shift code) to check a kind of day, and takes CZSHFT="Blank" as default value is this request.
I would like to modify this bsfn.
Someone could give me advices just do it correctly ?

Any help will be usefull,

Thanks you too much.

XE Update 6, SP 21, oracle 9.1
Hi all,

After somes tests and try inside C++ Builder, I found mysefl one issue of this question.
If someone needs this, don't hesitate to ask me !
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