Work Order Labor cost


The labor cost under Amount tab in the Work order did not appear while the rate and the extended cost existed in its routing steps[WO routing]. Material cost did appear. This work order was created from the model WO to which Std Parts list and Std routings were attached

Thanks in advance for your response

Hi Ravin1

As you are aware the R13800 updates the labour amounts on the works order

The document type of your works order will determine whether the labour amounts are retrieved from the F06 tables or the F31 tables.

On P40040 see the CSMS flag. If this is not equal to 1 then labour amounts retrieved from the F0618. Any other value will retrieve labour from F31122.

If like one of my clients you require the flag set to a 1 but enter time via payrol F0618 then you will need to mod the R13800

Hi Lawrence,
Thanks for your info. Actually std labor rate is setup using Work Center revision. When R12807 generates WO,it fails to fetch the estimated Hrs and labor cost . Applied 2SARs now but needed to be refreshed the routings in Backlog Management,manually.
R13800 is used for actuals update in the WO?
HR/Payroll not been installed here and 'am not sure still F0618 could be used.

Hi Lawrence,
Had sent response to this earlier. Request more info on this to see that the labor hrs and amts actuals are fetched and updated for costing.

Thanx & Regds,
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