UBE Specs not being Transfered from DV to PY



Well Known Member
Hi List,

We have a strange issue happening in our OMW tools. We have a UBE that do exist since 2 years. We had to make a quick changes. We did and we transfer from 21 to 26, everything is Ok. But when you go see the object in PY(26), the object doesn't have our latests changes. Looks like no 'New Specs' are being transfered. We have the old UBE before the changes.

Our activity rules are fines and haven't being changed in years. The OMW status is telling me that the object has been changed with the new time/date stamp. The logging doesn't tell me much. We are logging in the right environment to do our changes. What can be wrong? Specs doesn't want to go to PY even if it's says so.

We are on E810, AS/400 Database.

Any helps/hints are welcome.
already had the trouble on version specs with an XE.
Could you perform one or two check ?
The date for last modification on PY is before the same in DV ? (use the F9861) ?
is there any user vocabulary overwrite on DV or PY ?
remove any token on ube and then perform check-out check-in into an empty project in 21 with the most powerfull user (JDE ?), then transfert . What'is the result (check any message in jde.log and debug log (use at least the 4 level).

Use a a test ube to verify than you can tranfert.

When you said about modification, you said about template isn't ?