UBE interconnect from APPL - monitor for cancel?


I have an application that has a couple of form exits to launch reports.

After the report interconnect, I have a form interconnect to the Work with Server Jobs application.

However, if the user presses Cancel on the Printer Selection Window, I don't want them to go to server jobs.

Can anyone tell me how to monitor for a Cancel or OK on that screen?

thanks in advance...
Hi Sharon,

Would you please let us know the ID of the "Work with Server Jobs" (is it P986116?) application and the ID of the effected forms (e.g. "Printer Selection Window")?

Further where do you want to monitor the OK and Cancel of which forms?

Please, povide us a bit detailed information.

Maybe the solution is to copy the original OW APPL and modify a bit the copied version (e.g. extend the FI structure and apply some ER on OK and Cancel), finaly calling the copied appl instead of the original.


Hi Zoltán

sorry - didn't want to get too bogged down with the techo stuff initially, but if it helps with a solution, here we go -

My application (P5800002) has 2 form exits for printing - one a detail report and one a summary. They both have similar processing as follows:

EVENT: Button Clicked
// ============================================
// Run report
// ============================================
CALL( UBE:R5800005 , Ver: CBA0001 )
FC Address Number -> mnAddressNumber_AN8
FC Start Date -> jdStartDate_DWK
FC End Date -> jdEndDate_DWK
"CBA0001" X Version
// ============================================
// Work with Submitted Jobs
// ============================================
VA frm_szProgramId_PID = "R5800005"
Press Button(FC Work with Submitted Jobs)

EVENT: Button Clicked
// ============================================
// Run report
// ============================================
CALL( UBE:R5800006 , Ver: CBA0001 )
FC Address Number -> mnAddressNumber_AN8
FC Start Date -> jdStartDate_DWK
FC End Date -> jdEndDate_DWK
"CBA0001" X Version
// ============================================
// Work with Submitted Jobs
// ============================================
VA frm_szProgramId_PID = "R5800006"
Press Button(FC Work with Submitted Jobs)

The button FC Work with Submitted Jobs, called from above, has borrowed and modified code from the Batch Versions application P98305 - form exit Submitted Jobs (calls P986110B). I won't include the code for that because it's the above two routines I want to change....

I'd like to know the results of the CALL(UBE.... ) - whether the user presses OK or Cancel on that screen. The CALL(UBE... ) calls app P98612 - Printer Selection. It's the standard select printer & options & submit your report. Then I'll change the Work with Submitted Jobs processing around to only execute if the user has pressed OK.

Of course I COULD just set up a new form exit to go to Submitted Jobs and NOT call it automatically from the other two processes - why I didn't think of THAT yesterday is beyond me!

So if you know of a way of returning the button pressed from P98612 back to my application, it would come in very handy. Copying the app as you suggest and calling my modified version would certainly do the job (hadn't thought of that), but if that was the only solution I think it'd be much easier and quicker to just pull that P986110B call out to another form exit!

Thanks for your help.
Sharon (previously slhgrainco)
You will not be able to get this information - the Printer selection window pops up after a call to jdeLaunchUBEEx - this can be verified by writing a BSFN - so it is not "hooked in" to the regular process. I do not know if jdeLaunchUBEEx returns a useful error code when this happens - if so, then you are okay and can use this method, just not with a report interconnect, you will have to launch with a business function.

I think.

Caveat Lector! (let the reader beware!)
Yeeesh! This is getting harder by the minute....

For the BSFN-impaired, the extra form exit is sounding better all the time...

Thanks all for your help.
