Tabular Section Drill Down


I'm in E8.11 and I've created a report with 3 separate tabular sections. On the third section, everything is working well, except the Drill Down is not functioning.

When I click in the PDF on a field, it takes me to P83001, but only a blank Total line appears, even though there is a value on the report.

I've tried removing and adding back in the Drill Down option on the section (yes it is setup properly). I've tried recreating the section with the same result. The other 2 tabular sections work fine. The rows are Data Selection rows (versus Calculation). The columns are Smart Fields of type FINRPTAB (Account Balance) just as the other sections are.

Any ideas? Any thoughts on why secion might function differently?

I found the issue. For some reason the Cell Inclusion rules on the columns in the other section didn't exist. I've added those and now it works fine.