String treated as a BLOB???


VIP Member
Hi Folks,

If I define a data item as a String length 1000, I can use it as a table column and include it in a business view.

If I define the data item as string length 2000, I can still use it as a table column but cannot include it in a busiess view; the system issues an error stating that a BLOB column cannot be included in a BSVW!

So what goves? Is there a string size limit at which point JDE treats it as a BLOB? Or is there some way to force the system to treat the 2kB string azs a string and not as a blob?

Note: Xe, SP22, AS400 DB2.


Are you using a JDE String that is 2K? Or are you creating your own sting
that is 2K?

If you are using a JDE String - is it already predefined as a blob?



From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On
Behalf Of jolly
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 5:26 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: String treated as a BLOB???

Hi Folks,

If I define a data item as a String length 1000, I can use it as a table
column and include it in a business view.

If I define the data item as string length 2000, I can still use it as a
table column but cannot include it in a busiess view; the system issues an
error stating that a BLOB column cannot be included in a BSVW!

So what goves? Is there a string size limit at which point JDE treats it as
a BLOB? Or is there some way to force the system to treat the 2kB string azs
a string and not as a blob?

Note: Xe, SP22, AS400 DB2.


OneWorld Xe Update 6 SP22, HP/UX, Oracle 8/9, AS400, Win2K, WinXP Check out
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