Split Tax Rate

Bert Sternal

Active Member
We have a facility in Arkansas where we have a tax rate that changes over a certain dollar amount. I.E. it's one rate up to $ 2,500 and another rate on any amount over $2,500. I'm curious as to how others are handling this.

We have a similar situation in the UK, but on Quantity breaks.....

For example, in the Uk if an Airline is on a domestic flight, the fuel loaded onto the aircraft is taxed at normal VAT of 17.5%, but if the quantity loaded is less than 2,300 LT, the tax rate is 5%.

We had to resove this by setting up a new Preference Profile and some Custom Programming.....

As far as I know there is no JDE solution to this issue....


Gareth Jones
I think there's a flag in the tax area setup (turned on by a processing
option) that might help. Tennessee has a requirement for a different rate
beyond a certain amount as well, and I think JDE put that in the software a
while back.

Ah, good ole Arkansas. I have no answer for you. Our volume of
taxable items is very small, so we handle it manually. This would be a good
question to ask of JDE Support. After all software should support state
government laws, so in theory they should have a way to handle this - and
maybe they do.

John Dickey
JDE Financial Systems
White-Rodgers, Division of Emerson
St. Louis, MO
Re: RE: Split Tax Rate

Where should I look for this option? I didn't see it off hand. Thanks.
RE: RE: Split Tax Rate

Check the processing options on the tax area program. But I think it
doesn't do exactly what you need. My recollection is that it caps the
value that is taxable.
RE: RE: Split Tax Rate

I think Menu G0021 option 22 is what Andy is referring to. We don't use it ourselves - but it does seem to be a cap rather than a split. Field is called Maximum Unit Cost. Steve Lawrence, Coral Racing Ltd. A7.3 cum 10 www.coral.co.uk

Check the processing options on the tax area program. But I think it
doesn't do exactly what you need. My recollection is that it caps the
value that is taxable.
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We are located in TN and have to deal with split rates. (TN sales & use tax has a local option rate that stops for purchases greater than $1600). JDE cannot handle the issue to my knowledge. The work around that we did was to create two tax areas in JDE, one for the full rate and one for the reduced rate.

On the standard voucher entry screen when we have a single article, we will enter the tax area with the reduced rate with a tax code of "U" for use tax on the first pay item. On the next pay item line, we enter the same tax area, but use a code of "UT" and enter the amount manually calculated for the local option with no other data. Not ideal, but best work around we could find.

