Project Commintment Amounts!


Hi Every one,
Can you please help me in the following:
I want to create a report that displays the projects (Job Costing Module) and their budjets (Monthly,YTB,Revised..etc) plus the Commitment amount of each Project!!

I've created a fainancial report using the business view V8300001 and I manage to get all the budgets requested except the commitment!! since the commitment amount is in F43121 Purchase Order Detail (where the Contract Order of a project recorded)
I couldn't use the Subsection join and not even table I/O
I tried to add the F43121 table to the Business view but I couldn't

any ideas? or solution??
thanks for your support

Purchasing commitments are held in the F0902 in the "PA" ledger type. Try using this for your commitments.
Thank you peterbruce,
but the commitments that are in F0902 are not right!! when ever the user changes the commitment of an order the field in F0902 is not give different amount!
I want to read the commitment field that is in F4311 from the Invoice Recipting screen P4312 for each Project (Job)!

I hope That I explained what I want right
any ideas? work arounds? solutions