Price History is not updating correctly


Hi All

We have developed a custom report for Intercompany transfer orders by copying R4210IC.Report is creating Intercompany orders but price history for the newly created order is not updating properly.

We used B4200310 MBF to create the intercompany order.

Do we need to use any BSFN related to F4074 ??

Can anyone help us on this ?

Thanks in Advance


EnterpriseOne 8.12
At a minimum you will also need to call F4074MaintainPriceHistory and related functions such as all the F40UI74DAO[xxxxxx] calls (depending on your release).

You should probably reverse engineer P4074 along with P4210 (or P42101) and B4200310 to figure out what you need to do to update price history.
F4074MaintainPriceHistory is called from B4200310/11 (at some level),
so if price in not passed trhoug DS and PROV flag is not 1 and item pricing is configured properly B4200310 call is enough to create F4074 record.
Guess I misunderstood. I thought he wanted to update the price after calling F4211FSEditLine.
Can be,
in this case is more convenient to use BSFN with work file usage (F40UI74) and update this file before EndDoc (if I remeber it's a parameter of BeginDoc).
Thats what F4074MaintainPriceHistory does. In other words if you want to call update price history before F4211FSEndDoc (like you should) then you will need to call F4074MaintainPriceHistory prior to F4211FSEndDoc as in

F40UI74DAO[xxxxxx] - to find/read record to update
F4074MaintainPriceHistory - update the cache record
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