Pick Program (P42523)

  • Thread starter Anita_Imbrescia
  • Start date


I'm trying to debug the Pick Program. I type:


then Call J42523 parm('P42523' 'dwname')

I get an error message that I cannot call this interactively; i must submit
it in batch. When I submit it in batch, it runs thru the program but does
not debug.

When I try to just debug the program invoking program (*yes) and parming in
2 parms, i get:
Unmonitored message CPF4101 occurred at statement .OPEN. and other errors.

I swear I have worked thru this problem before, but I am drawing a blank.
What am I missing? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Anita Imbrescia

Inside of the CL program there sometimes is a check to see if the &JOBTYPE =
1 then send a message to the user and end the program. If you comment this
out, this it will allow you to run it in the source debugger. If you are
getting the JDE screen that says unauthorized access, you can press enter
and enter again on the program termination screen to restart the debugger
and an then process it like you would.
If this does not help let me know and I can help you tomorrow with it, as I
am leaving for the day.


You should probably look at J42523's RTVJOBA command , &JOBTYPE variable.
Choices (0=Batch, 1=Interactive).
a '1' will restrict you from running the job interactively. You should
change the value to '0' for batch to run or debug
interactively. You can change while in debug, or create a temporary
program with a hard code change, or bypass
the code in the J42523.


<Anita.Imbrescia@co To: [email protected]
nsprod.com> cc:
Sent by: Subject: Pick Program (P42523)

04/03/02 04:28 PM
Please respond to

I'm trying to debug the Pick Program. I type:


then Call J42523 parm('P42523' 'dwname')

I get an error message that I cannot call this interactively; i must submit
it in batch. When I submit it in batch, it runs thru the program but does
not debug.

When I try to just debug the program invoking program (*yes) and parming in
2 parms, i get:
Unmonitored message CPF4101 occurred at statement .OPEN. and other errors.

I swear I have worked thru this problem before, but I am drawing a blank.
What am I missing? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Anita Imbrescia

Sounds like you are triggering the batch test in the CL program. My
suggestion is to use the JDE source debug as follows:

1. Enter "JDEDBG J42523"
2. Enter "JDEDBG P42523"
3. Enter "Call J42523 parm('P42523' 'dwname')"
4. Find the statement "IF COND(&JOBTYPE = '1') THEN(DO)" in the CL
source, place the cursor on it and press F5 to flag it as a breakpoint
5. Press F3 to execute to the next breakpoint
6. Press F8 and change the value of &JOBTYPE from "1" to "0" (note: I
believe &JOBTYPE must be in all caps and surrounded by single quotes for the
variable to be changed.)
7. Press F3 back on the CL source to continue and the RPG source should be

From here on you can set breakpoints and display variables to debug your
program. If you need more clarification you can e-mail me directly or call.
Hope this helps.

Michael J. Iaconis
Soar Technology Solutions
[email protected]

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their
strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary, they will walk
and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:31 NIV)
Before you start debugging the program make sure the JOBTYPE in the J42523 program set to other than '1'. also i would use the JDEDBG ( JD Edwards debugger) rather that STRISDB which is faster and easy to use.

s command. If this does not return a value that means the job is runn=
ing in batch (which it won't when you are running it interactively with deb=
ug), the CL jumps to the end. Best thing to do is make your own versi=
on of J42523 and remove the command.</FONT></P>


=3D2 COLOR=3DPURPLE>Michael Abbott</FONT></P>


You can also debug in batch using STRISDN, but first you have to submit the job and strsrvjob before invoking STRISDN. Kind of difficult to get the timing right.

Jean Driscoll
AS/400 Co-existent Xe SP15+17.1, Update 1/A73Cum12
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