Oracle Owner


Hi all,
I'm developing an interface between our ERP OneWorld ERP8 and an external wharehouse management application based on an Oracle DB (ver.8.1.6).
The owner defined on this DB is a string with lenght more than 10 characters and when i try to add a new OneWorld DB DataSource, I can't type this because the size of the owner filed is 10 ch(ALIAS OOWN).
I can't change the owner.
Sameone can help me?
1GB Thanks in advance.

OneWorld ERP8 - WS Coexistence.
AS/400 DB2
Have you considered copying the Oracle user ID to another one that is 10 characters or less, and then granting all the same privileges and access to this new one? Then use the new shorter user ID in your OW data source definition.
Thank you.
I'm studing for the first time Oracle.
I've read something about Owner Aliasing that is what you suggest to me.
Now i've to learn how to do it.

many thanks.
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