No permission to Run UBE in the Windows Ternminal Server



Active Member
Anyone seen this error and know its resolution?

This only sometimes happens on a fat client running Windows Terminal Services. It happens with some UBEs and not with others and only when submitting the UBE locally. In the JDE.LOG file one learns: "Currently user has no permission to Run UBE in the Windows Ternminal Server environment." [K2EntryPnt.c1291].
Uninstalling TS is not an option. It's how developers log in to Xe. Running a UBE locally is how they test.
It is likely that during a package deployment that your jde.ini with the TS mods got replaced.
Dan - why would you even suggest removing TS, its obviously part of their infrastructures.

WDC - verify that the Version is not checked out. In the past, I've recieved the message if the version was checked out and it went away as soon as I checked the version in.

I believe the line is OWDEVELOPER=TRUE. It should go in the [DEBUG] section, correct?
If the problem is with a report version.
By BV, copy the version (Example: 0001 by 0002), Delete the original version and rename the duplicate version by the original (Example: 0002 by 0001), When you finish execute the report in the Terminal Server and verify.

ERP8, SP22, SQL200, WIN 2000 SERVER