Need *new* workaround to update columnx = 'stuff' where columnx = 'junk'

Adam (DF)

Adam (DF)

Active Member
Need *new* workaround to update columnx = \'stuff\' where columnx = \'junk\'

I need a new workaround. I need to update tableA set columnX = 'stuff' where columnX = 'junk'. It seems the old workarounds aren't viable, and I'll tell you why:

1. I need to do this with the same column in some 70 distinct tables. So I could perform the old select, fetch next, update rope-a-dope, but it would require 1000 lines of code or so. I don't want to do that.

So dynamic SQL is in order...

2. I have written my own ODBC interface to OneWorld, but I cannot use that because it would require giving the users a read-write account on the database. Also, the ODA driver does not allow updates.

3. I cannot use a database trigger because "that is code outside of OneWorld."

4. I tried to hack the JDB_UpdateTableColsExtended function, but I it pays too much attention to what key you tell it to use, so the SQL it generates cannot update anything.

I'm at a loss for ideas here, so I'm about to jump off the ledge and start writing 1000 lines of select, fetch next, update, and will end up with functions that require a modification anytime the users decide to add or subtract a table from the update list.

So I'm hoping that someone on the list will have the creative juices flowing today and could offer something I haven't thought of yet. Any ideas? Anyone?

Yours truly,
OneWorld Xe