Mapping in JDE


Hi Users,

We have recently acquired a company which is in Integrated Electronics Security Systems
The main function is procure the different parts from different vendors and assemble them into one unit and sells it (the single unit) to the customer.

As I am new to JD Edward, I want to know how to map this scenario in JDE. We are not having manufacturing maodule. Is there in a way to map it in Inventory and Proc.

JDE 8.12
Perhaps with kits

is not the same as manufacturing, but could be useful
You do not need to "map" anything. Use standard functionality such as Procurement, Inventory, Sales, and Financials (AB, AP, AR and GL).
I agree with the recommendation to look into kits. It's basically a sales order process that uses the work order system to store/track the components of the item. Once the item is complete/assembled, the order is ready to ship. All the customer sees is the one line item from the sales order.
Hi Janueman,
As per suggestion of others, you can look into kit sales functionality. But if indeed assembling those parts is main function of the company like you said, it would be rather inefficient not to buy the Manufacturing Mgmt module. By buying the module, you get best practice in the assembling area of the company like:

* Planning for availability of parts and assembling work centres to meet upcoming demand (both confirmed and forecasted)

* Automated assembling-specific paper works

* Segregation of duties by having separate users accessing separate screens relating to assembling activities (rather than sharing those for kit sales)

* If many of the assembled security systems are customer-specific or even order-specific, you can use the project manufacturing feature to calculate profit/loss for each unique order

* Automated production cost accounting including production cost variance analysis

* etc

Paul Pambudi
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