Logging when users open interactive applications



I need to compose a history of user activity in the JDE web client. I have security history enabled, and I use the form and table for submitted batch jobs as reference for batch applications, but also want to see when users access interactive applications. Server manager shows that kind of information, but only at runtime. I assumed I would be able to configure the enterprise or html server logs to record that kind of activity, but I didn't figure out how to do it, and I couldn't find much relevant information.

Thanks in advance for any tips!
Actually - REUI provides this functionality if you purchase it as an addon to the JD Edwards Performance Pack. Its certainly not a cheap addon from Oracle - but it provides in-depth analysis of interactive form usage, including performance to the browser as well as business function usage. I implemented this at a larger customer, and though there are some limitations - for what you are looking for, I'm certain that this would be a good fit. Talk to your Oracle representative.