JDE Developer Training...


Well Known Member
I am trying to find out where I can get some more experience with JDE but have found all the courses are listed for the US.

Does anyone know if there are some courses that could be offered online or by correspondence?

My company doesn't want to send all of us developers to the States for training and the few times that we have brought a trainer in, we cover some things that help but since we are all at different levels, it's not always useful!!


I noticed that you're based in Canada.
Please, go to www.oracle.ca, then click on the
"Education" hyperlink (to the middle right).
Then select Categories = JDEdwards Enterprise One and
click on the "Go" button.
You'll get all the Canadian courses available on any
format (attending in person, Web, etc).
Hope these courses may be useful to you.

Currently I have nearly 1 year experience on JDE OneWorld development, mainly RDA and FDA.

The most disturbing thing is to debug applications without really understanding the process flow of them (which tables are related in auto voucher match, how it relates to F0911, etc).

Does anyone have any suggestion on how developers can learn faster to understand the functions and relations of the applications (mainly in distribution site, like SO, PO, inventory..)?

Is it effective to read the documentation from peoplesoft?

Or a developer has to rely on the experience of "many years" to become a "beginner" JDE consultant?

I'd like to learn more in both development and functional site.

Its called the school of "Hard Knocks" - otherwise known as experience.

The learning process is much faster if you have other people in your work group that can transfer knowledge / answer questions quickly.
It also helps to possess a good understanding of the basic business concepts that the software implements (A/R, Payroll, Inventory, MRP, etc).

Generally though there's no quick magic bullet here - no great - just experience, study, trial and error . . .

I will say though that the Klee and Associates training workshops provide better application documentation in "how things work" then anything I've seen from JDE/Peoplesoft/Oracle.
Can any one send me docs/pdfs for JDEdward Beginers,I m new to this teck. dont know any thing abt JD....Thanks in advance.
Hi Adnan,

Sorry, I haven't any material for you.
I am a self-educated OneWorld developer.
I also used the offical documentation set plus trial and error.


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