JAS_MSG346 - Error message


Active Member
I am getting following error message in dV and not in PY while access a custom application. We have check out and gen the application, but that did not help. Any help would be appreciated.

Error Message: <Errors on JAS> Error List:
mError: 346
mAlphaDescriptionTemplate: JAS_MSG346: JAS database failure:[SPEC_NOT_FOUND] Unable to find OneWorld specificaton for $CART.
mnErrorLevel : 1
mnIdItem: -1
mnFileName: null
mnLineNumber 0
Hello there, I have the exactly same issue with a custom DD item. Any news about how to solve it?
What is $CART?
If it is a custom DD, has it been through the promotion process?
Please attach your system info (JDE release, tool set release, database, etc) as they may be relevant.
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