Item Warning during order entry


Reputable Poster
We have a need to somehow notify the user during order entry that the particular item being ordered has restrictions or special handling if it will be exported. I know of Item Restrictions but was looking for a more global method since the volume of customer/item combinations is extensive. We already use the item's flash message for another purpose.

Thanks in advance
Recently we implemented custom Item restrictions as the standard functionality is not enough for us. There is a standard Item restriction functionality existing in E1 on sales Order entry P4210. The Business function "B4200311" calls the Item Restrictions business function "B4200270" which will validate the Item/Customer combination against the data in the Item Restrictions file "F4013". If the item is restricted,a hard error is thrown on Order entry screen. To have this functionality working you need to enter the Restrictions in the file "F4013" through the application "P40131". I hope this helps.

