Financials Report


Hi List !!

I am Doing Financials reports..I had created two reports according to my client needs by using smartfields.Its working fine and output is to their expectation but what is the thing when i run the report it takes to much time and everyone is lossing their pasion.I like to know does any one facing this problem ..orelse my doublt is if we use smartfield templates whether the report will become slow r not..

Thanx in Advance for the repliers
Hi Smith...

I am Using Financial Row Report template ...In that Default View is V8300001(Having Tables F0901,F0902,F0006)..

I am Using Processing option ,DataSelection and DataSequ also...When i run the report its takes too much of time but output is correct...

Let me say this also I am using some Businessfuctons Like DateTitle and ReportVersiontiles etc....I feel that because of this function my output is getting slow...I checked it by commenting my codings..

Do have any suggestions Pls..
Here is an idea...

Check the "Join Type" for this business view (V8300001). If it is not using "Simple" joins, then make a copy of the business view and change the "join type" to simple. Then use the new business in your report. This could shorten the run time dramatically...

Disclaimer: I do not recomend modifing the Canned JDE object. Do so at your own risk.
Hey ,
It seems, you guys are posting all the transaction with sub ledger. Posting with subledger will create huge number of records on balance file F0902. This takes more processing time for financial reports. Ask them to consolidate(merge) the subledgers. If you do so, it will take only a minute to process the whole report.

I had same issues with bad performance on my AS400. JDE opened a SAR-6532593 for me but has no intention to fix XE except ERP9. Our work around is instead of submmiting to server we ran locally and the UBE took only 20 minutes (server UBE will take 3 hours)
The business view you are talking about (simple join one) it's equal to standard object V8300005. See also KG "ott-01-0119" on performance improvements on FRW w/ row specification.


Do you use any hidden column (row), usually, the more column(row) you create, the more time takes.
