Error message text substitution


I have seen and reviewed JDE document ott-99-0067 which describes how to use a C BSFN to produce error message text with substitutions. (i.e. "The Department code &1 is incorrect." where &1 will be a variable). It appears that this document is old and not referencing Xe. Is there another way to do this with NER style BSFN and/or an Xe system function which more easily accomplishes the task. If not with NER, is there a pre-developed generic BSFN?

Try to use B0800366 - Text Substitution Error.
Before use, you need to do this things:
1 - Create a new error message (P92002);
1.1 - In Item Description and Item Glossary, use &1, &2, ... &5 in Description where &n will be a variable;
1.2 - In Data Structure Template, associate a DSTR (Data Structure), created by you or any other, but you must use a String datatypes (max 40);

2 - In the moment that you need to show your error message, call B0800366, and in the first parameter use your new error message created (as seen above). The other parameters are Text1, Text2,...,Text5, where you will associate your messages or variables.

Developer XE 7333 - SP 18.1- Oracle 8i V8.1.7 - Unix

I have the necessity to implement the tool of text
substitution, and I do not have the source code of the BSFN (B0800366.c
and B0800366.h).

Thank you very much by your aid
take a look of BLM function
you'll have to create 2 DS (one fort the message and the other for the function) and then use a workflow message like LM.
it's work fine (i've already made for many times).
This good, already works to me. Now this message of error that
generates this function Since I make to clean it?
