Entering Pallet weight at Load Confirmation - Rating


Can anyone advise if there is a standard process I should follow to get the weight of the pallet included in the shipment/load at load confirmation in order to rate the load correctly.
We create the shipment, build and approve the load, we then send the details of the shipment to the external WMS system. At this point we know the number of pallets and would like to enter the number of pallets and have the weight of the pallets included in the total weight of the load.
The way it was intended is to have the pallet setup as a container and then enter the pieces detail in each shipment. I do believe you can use container management to populate the pieces detail automatically from the WMS system.
Been doing a bit with the pick/pack/ship functionality lately around some transportation setup, and the previous reply is spot on. Creating the shipment pieces for a pallet container code, which is defined with a weight and volume, increases the shipment weight and subsequently the weight of the load
If you are not using the 2 UoM in transportation, You Could use this for send the number of pallets in case of there are standard conversion.. (Eg 1 pallet = 6 pc)