Drill Down in Rows?



Active Member
Hello List,

Will the Drill Down functionally work on a Financial Report when Rows are specified?

I can get Drill Down to work when I have Smart Field Columns on a FinRpt, but as soon as I add a row the drill down box gets unchecked and is there after greyed out. Based on my testing it seems the answer to my question in NO... But I would like the List's input.

Thanks, any help is appreciated.


Chuck Armantrout
XE SP16.1, Fat Clients, AS/400e V4R5M0, Win2000 Dell Deployment srv P330
Here is what the documentation says:

"When the OneWorld application opens, an audit trail is created that shows detail about the data on the report. The audit trail records are static. Therefore, the information in the audit trail might differ from the information in the records you are auditing. For example, if someone posts a transaction after you run a report and generate new audit trail data, that change is immediately reflected in the table, but it is not reflected in the audit trail. You cannot create an audit trail for tabular reports containing row or cell specifications or calculation fields."

Based on this, I'd say no. If I remember correctly from the ERW class, you are very limited as to what kind of report you can create with the drill down feature.

If you want to read the entire documentation, goto the OW Help under Tools and Technical -> One World Enterprise Report Writer -> Advanced Report Enhancements -> Working With the Drill Down Feature.

Hope this helps.


XE SP 16
Win2000/Oracle 8.1.6.
Thanks for your input Ken. I found out there is an enhancement sar 5072572 that has been entered to allow Drill Down on Fin Reports with rows.


Chuck Armantrout
XE SP16.1, Fat Clients, AS/400e V4R5M0, Win2000 Dell Deployment srv P330
Thanks. I'll make a note of that SAR# for future reference.


XE SP 16
Win2000/Oracle 8.1.6.