Dream writer Recursive Versions


Well Known Member
I would appreciate if somebody could shed some lights into the this
subject.." Dream writer recursive versions".

Marsh Rei Narewec
JDE400 Development, Training & Support
Steamships Computer Services
Papua New Guinea
Ph: (675) 322 0245

JDE/400 7.3 00009
Papua New Guinea
Opinions or Post I express are not from my employer
Hi Marsh
What used to happen in old releases of World was that if 2 people submitted the same DW version and they where held in the jobq what would happen when they ran is that they would bopth run with the same selections as processing options. A particular problem when multiple users were running the same version.

Recursive Version were introduced to get over this and basically each time you submit a version a unique set of DW parameters is created fro the version and then deleted when the job is completed. You can recognise this as when you submit say Version 009 of P01301...when the PO screen is displayed the Form ID will be p01301 and the version will probably not be 001.

Because of this you need to make sure you reorganise the F98301 regularly to remove the deleted records. I have been to sites who have not known this and the number of deleted records they have un th F98301 is 2 or 3 times the actual number of records. Reorganisation of files needs to be looked into before running as once a reorg starts it locks the file until all access paths are rebuilt...if this is an issue then take a look at ARCTOOLS which has a REORG tool along with its PURGETOOLS.....both these tools allow Purges and reorgs to run while users are still on the sytem.

Hope this helps.

My comments may seem brutal, but do you ever read any of the
documentation that comes with JDE? You should try reading the Tech
Foundation Manual and/or the World Writer manual (if it exists). There
has also been a bit of chat through this forum about the topic - maybe
you should also use the JDEList search capabilities as well.

From my perspective this forum is about generally helping JDE users with
problems and acting as a general forum for discussing various aspects of

While I compliment all the posters who have responded with much alacrity
to your previous posts I suggest that, based on your prior posts, that
you have tended to regard JDElist as a free consulting service.

From my perspective, please help us to help you, by undertaking some
proactive analysis and research of your own before hassling everyone
with requests like this one.

I firmly recommend you put a strong case to your manager(s) such that
they pay for you to attend a Tech foundation course at least. JDE
(Peoplesoft) should have the appropriate resources in Brisbane, Sydney,
or Melbourne to be able to run such a course. I find it hard to accept
that a company as large as Steamships cannot find the where with all to
invest to ensure their longer term independence.

I know through my contacts that an experienced JDE contract
analyst/programmer was in Port Moresby in September/October and issues
like this should have been on the list for him to assist you with.

Colin Hugill
(World A7.3 cum12)
Ditto everything Craig has already said. If you have any sort of DFU utility to view database files, look at F98301 and you will likely see versions that start with a '+' sign. These are "leftovers" from DW's that have been run and are setup to run recursively. Go to menu G81 and option 14 will tell you which DW's are setup to run this way and option 15 cleans up the "leftovers" out of the F98301 file. I usually run it about once a month and I'm lucky enough to be able to do a simple RGZPFM on the file a couple times a year when we do some other system maintenance.

If you have other DW's you want to setup recursively, just add them in option 14. We have written custom stuff as well as added vanilla JDE stuff in here because we didn't want versions to get crossed up just because multiple people have the potential for running it.
Thank you all for your responses.

Especially for Colin Hugill I am thank ful for your comments. I totally
agree to the 2nd last sentence of your comments. I am sorry if my posts
have have infuriate you. I suggest you ignore all the posts that I will
sent in near future because I will not cease the "style" of my post unless
the forum owner ban me from the forum.

Marsh Rei Narewec
JDE400 Development, Training & Support
Steamships Computer Services
Papua New Guinea
Ph: (675) 322 0245

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JDE/400 7.3 00009
Papua New Guinea
Opinions or Post I express are not from my employer
Is the Arctool product you mentioned easy to use/maintain? Are there any other such tools or products that you are using specifically for utilizations with JDE?