detail budgeting


Active Member
I think this question falls more upon sales forecasting than budgeting but budgeting is the use for this application. We have been asked to give sales reps the ability to enter their budgeted/forecasted sales by customer/item/month. My initial thought was to use F3460 since we are not using MRP. I see that we do have records in that file and need to check what we are using it for.
My questions are: Is there any files in the budgeting module or any other module that we could use? If we are not using MRP do you see any reason why we couldn't/shouldn't use F3460? Are we better off just creating our own external files and maintenance?
I guess that the leading question could be : what are you going to do with
the data the reps will enter, since you do NOT run MRP ?

Anyway, we do use F3460 both for "real" sales forecast (MRP processed) and
also for "simulated" next-year-budget sales forecast (NON MRP) : we just
created new "forecast type" (TYPF field - 34 / DF UDC).

By this mean we allow any user to enter any sort of sales forecast affecting
or NOT affecting MRP just by choosing the proper forecast type.

Andrea Zucconi
IS Manager

Hi Bill

An alternative to using the F3460 file and having to learn about the 'new'
MRP applications is to create the Sales forecasts as a special sales order
type (with has no Sales Update in the flow so there would be no impact by
mistake in A/R and Inventory). You could then compare the Forecast sales
Orders with 'normal' sales orders by using the existing Sales Order Inquiry
screens and new World Writer reports.


Alec World A7.3 Cum 11