Deployment sever died, replacement questions...


Active Member
Our deployment server died mid last week, raid controller puked and took out the array with it.

Our primary backup of the entire server was accidentally turned off by our network guy (don’t ask!). I have a secondary backup system that backs up the entire JDEdwardsOneWorld directory, which in my case is located on D:\.

I do not have a backup of the jde.ini or the registry file that was located on the C:\ drive of the deployment server.

I do have a backup of every ESU installed.

I followed the guide on replacing a deployment server and read some posts here.

Installed VS 6.0 C++ only, VS6SP5, and Adobe.
Installed Disk 1 of Edwards.
Copied the entire backed up JDEdwardsOneWorld over the new one.
Shared the B7334 directory per the directions on the guide.
Dumped the registry on my Enterprise server and imported that into my deployment server to setup all the ODBCs.
Reinstalled each ESU that’s been installed on our system from Day 1. (I just ran the EXEs so they would update the deployment’s registry and the dep server would know they are installed, I didn’t need to do anything in OW I assume because it already knows they are installed.)
After fixing a couple small items in the jde.ini I was able to do a new PY build.

I have one problem so far, and this should be an easy fix. When I go to install my PY build I’m showing original builds from the fresh install, but those aren’t in my OW package list anymore. How do I deactivate the 8 oringal builds, IE the PY7334A etc builds? I think it’s an INF setting but I’m not sure.

We’re working on testing everything today in PY, if all seems ok I need to do a PD build tonight. Does anyone have any other ideas on things I should check prior to rebuilding and installing my PD Code?


I believe what you are asking for is in the packagename.inf file. Change the deployment status to not approved.

DeploymentStatus=Not Approved
IconDescription=JDEdwards OneWorld

Hope this helps.

Hi Brad

I think everything is going to go well - you followed the instructions well, installing a fresh deployment server and then copying the old directory straight back. Of course, you need to check to make sure if you installed Visual C in the same directory (check the JDE.INI path settings !) - remember, microsoft puts in "~1...~9" if the name is > 8 characters, so check all your pathnames.

As for the package builds - the deployments should still work since they're part of the planner - I'd check to make sure that each of the INF's are set to "Approved". However, I'd definately recommend rebuilding new full packages for all pathcodes.
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