Delivery Address Vs Mailing Address


Active Member
It has always struck me as odd that OW does not have address book fields specifically designated for mailing addresses (eg PO Box Number) distinct from delivery addresses (eg street number etc). Has anybody come up with effective strategies for storing both so that shipping documents display customer delivery addtesses and invoices display customer mailing addresse (if different from delivery address)?

The best idea I can come up with is setting up a second address book record for customers with mailing addresses that differ from their delivery addresses and then fiddle with billing instructions so that the right address shows up on the invoice. That seems cumbersome and prone to error.

Thanks for any ideas you can offer.
Hi Henry!

You will have to enter multiple addresses - but there is a standard way of
dealing with billing/shipping addresses and it is:-
1) Set up the address for the billing (invoice address) in the AB
2) In the AR record for the billings instruction set this up as a type "B" -
bill too only
3) On the AB for the ship too under the related addresses tab enter the
billing address - say in address # 1
4) On the AR record under the billings tab for the shipping address enter
this as a type "S" ship too only with a related address of "7" (if you have
entered the billings address as address 1 (see above)

If there is only ever one ship/bill too then on the SOE it will not matter
which is entered. If there is more than one then the sales people will have
to enter the ship too rather than the sold too - obviously I hope.

This will mean that the delivery instructions are for the ship too address
BUT the invoice will have the billings address on it...... :)

I hope this helps a little.

Best regards


Peter Bannister : [email protected]
1st Consulting Ltd :
Mobile : +44-(0)7711-649358
Fax : +44-(0)7739-256227
E-mail on the move : [email protected]

Product Specialist
Re: RE: Delivery Address Vs Mailing Address

Hey Peter, thanks for the specifics on how to apply the "second record" strategy. I was really hoping there would be a way that we could use the existing record but I guess not.

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