Database Locks on F0002


Well Known Member
We just went live with XE on Nov. 1 and over the last couple of days we are
experiencing locks on our Oracle database all indications seem to point
specifically at the F0002 table. It seems to be occurring when a user
starts a new purchase order entry and receives a phone call, email or opens
IE to get pricing of times, then returns to complete the purchase order and
is either receiving a commit failed or gray screen after clicking the 'ok'
button. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Dave Rammer
Sheboygan County

Xe with Update 2, Sp16 / HP-UX 11.0 / Oracle 8.0.6

We had this same problem. There were two fixes for this problem, one was fixed with Update 3, the other with doc id # ODS-01-0069. Hope this helps!

[blue line]
Dan Richards
Xe, SP16.1, Update 3, RS6000, Oracle 8.1.7, Metaframe XP