Data extraction


Well Known Member
Hi List,
We are having problems extracting data from E1 to excel for a particular country of users. The data that is populated in E1 is correct based on the decimal format specified for them, however when this data is extracted into excel (Unit price) gets converted into ten's. example if the value in E1 is 5.45 the value in the excel sheet that is extracted is 50.45.
Has anyone out there faced this issue or can help track the problem. I have also checked the local indows regional settings, they all seem fine. I tried the same things on my local machine and i'm getting the same problem as the user so i guess its more of an E1 problem the way excel is getting populated.
Any help is appreciated !! Thanks
Hi List,
We managed to crack this one. The resolution that worked in our case was as follows:-
Initially we only looked at the Windows regional settings under in Control panel for the Numbers tab. Since the problem was related to Unit Price being wrongly populated, the currency tab must also be modified. Depending on the decimal format used for a country the 1) decimal symbol 2) Digit grouping symbol and 3) Digit grouping must be adjusted in the regional settings.

Cheers !!!