Data Dictionary - Add



Well Known Member
Good morning everybody.

We are attempting to add a new DD field called @GST as follows:
Glosssary Group: D
Product Code: 57
Data Type : C Size: 1
Control Type: 4 Generic Edit
Default Value: 0
Uppercase Only (Checked)

The problem is with the Edit Rule tab.
We selected Rule = Value (in a list).
But the system automatically sets the value list as: Y N 1 0
and disables the control so that we cannot make changes.

How san we set our own list of vales ?

Any/all ideas would be most welcome.
My thanks to you all.
Joseph Sadler

OneWorld Xe B7333 SP 21, AS/400 and NT.
Thanks for the suggestion Dave... but...
UDC values have already been defined for each Privince.
Now each province field is limited to the UDC value, or the "Tax Exempt"
Hence the need to restrict the field to just a list of 2 values.

Thank you kindly just the same Dave.
Thanks for the suggestion Dave... but...

UDC values have already been defined for each Province.
Now each province field is limited to the UDC value, or the "Tax Exempt" value.
Hence the need to restrict the field to just a list of 2 values.

Thank you kindly just the same Dave.
Hi Joseph,
Maybe I'm not understanding but could you not then just set up a new UDC with only two codes if that is all you need ?
True Dave...
we could create another set of UDC tables.
But it seems like "Shooting a fly with an elephant gun".
I mean, if we choose the edit rule EQ, or GT, etc. in the DataDic,
then the control is enabled so that we can specify our values.
Also, in ER conditions we can select our own values.
It just seems that we shoud be able to do this in the DD.
We CAN in WorldSoftware.

Perhaps this is just one of those "Special Features".
You know... something along the lines of:
"We have disabled this control to protect the inocent."

Since we can define our own "Values" in WorldSoftware,
it just seems there MUST be a way to do it in OW.

Once again, however, I sincerely thank you for your ideas.
I would still like to do this.

You used to be able to enter the values. I'm not sure when it changed, but if you look at other DD values that were using VALUE - any of those that are not using the Y N 1 0 values have all been converted to UDCs. If you open up the data dictionary table from UTB you can see many examples.

Ben again,
Thank you Ben.

Not the answer I was hoping for, but
at least now we know there is a definitive answer:
It is indeed another "Special Feature" of OW.

Thank you kindly Ben.
You have at least put the matter to rest for us here.