Change of 3rd Item No in Item Master Application


Whenever the 3rd Item No is changed in succession - more than once, error is comming: "There is a problem with the server. The user must exit the application all the way to the menu and restart it."
The change is handled asynchronously by B4002430. This function will loop through the tables defined in UDC 40/IC and perform an update of each record matching the Item number you are changing. This can be VERY TIME CONSUMING when there is a lot of historical data.

Since the function runs Async, the user won't know how long the function will run. The problem could be linked to the function being called multiple times and timing out.

I suggest the following:

1- Make use of the X-Ref if possible
2- If not, check wether indexes could be added to some of the large transaction tables. Check the debug log for the updates that are taking the most time and see if you can add indexes on the fields that are used for the selection. Most of the time, it will be itm (short item number). This will speed up processing and possibly solve the issue.

please post back your findings for others.