Cardex/WO dates incorrect - can I just FIX them?

  • Thread starter Frosty the Coder
  • Start date

Frosty the Coder

Legendary Poster
It seems to be my day for goofy stuff to happen.

A user just brought me a stack of work orders, all completed through super back flush.
For whatever reason, the transaction date on cardex, and the date completed on WO show Sunday's date rather than todays.

We reviewed SBF and can't figure out how SO MANY would have been messed up.

Bottom line - can I just one-shot (or worldwriter) update these to the correct dates? (F4111, F4801).
Would doing so have any BAD impact on G/L?

Please and Thanks.
Check out the date on the SBF job. It might be using the job date and not the system date??
In my opinion, no, this is a bad idea to go change dates in the F4111 and F 4801.=C2=A0 I would recommend that you contact JDE Support for assistance o n the best method to try to correct these, assuming you really want to corr ect them.=C2=A0 Does it really, really matter if the date is off a day or t wo, within the same month?=C2=A0 I can understand if in a different month o r year, but within the same month, usually not a big deal.=C2=A0 Probably s hould focus more on why it happened.=C2=A0 You should not change data value s in any file unless directed to do so by support.=C2=A0 You should look, a s much as possible, at using the system to make any corrections.=C2=A0 Also auditors increasingly frown on programmers being allowed to access/change production data.=C2=A0 That is my opinion.
John Dickey