Cambi de nombre...

Ricardo Paz

Reputable Poster
Qué tal???

Como puedo cambiar el nombre de un servidor de SQL 7... Ya intenté con
sp_dropserver y sp_addserver, pero no me funciona; según MS es necesario
reinstalar SQL para poder asignarl otro nombre...

OW B73.3.2 SP 16.1 / NT 4.0 Sp 6a/ SQL 7.0 (XE and Win2000 soon)
*Hope we can meet each other at FOCUS 2002

S.E. Ricardo Paz Castañón
Systems Chief
Comercial de Herramientas S.a de C.v.
+52(81) 81-96-26-49
[email protected]
Poor translation:

How is everything?? As I can change the name of a servant of SQL 7... I already tried with sp_dropserver and sp_addserver, but it does not work to me; according to MS another name is necessary to reinstalar SQL to be able asignarl...
Hi list... Sorry about this post, I mistake the mail address; it was
intended for a SQL group. But if someone knows how to change the SQL name on
a server I'll Appreciate your help.

OW B73.3.2 SP 16.1 / NT 4.0 Sp 6a/ SQL 7.0 (XE and Win2000 soon)
*Hope we can meet each other at FOCUS 2002

S.E. Ricardo Paz Castanon
Systems Chief
Comercial de Herramientas S.a de C.v.
+52(81) 81-96-26-49
[email protected]