

Well Known Member
Hello Board

E8.10 being unicode complaint....how does it effect RPGLE Calls from E8.10 EventRules.

We have two Custom RPGLE Programs that are called from E8.10 we coded in XE Version as follows

CALL PGM(TSTOBJ/PR5501) PARM('DV7333' 'R5501' 'VER001')

Now when we moved to 8.10(Unicode)do we need to still use same call structure??

When i try to call the same above CALL statement on Command Line on V5R3 AS400 it doesn't like it....

ANY suggesstions on this????

(OW 8.10 AS400 V5R3)
Howdy - welcome to 8.x....

You should be able to continue using your RPGLE programs, once you've converted to Unicode - by changing the code-tables on the compiler. I'm not sure if it was at the compiler or at compile time - but a previous client did over-come the issue, rather simply - by changing the code-tables.
