Address Book# Security w/in World?

Frosty the Coder

Legendary Poster
I don't think this exists in World,
BUT we've been asked to secure a user to a parent (and children) AB#.
Can this be done?

Please AND Thanks

I don't use it, but have you looked at Name Search Type on G94? Debbie
I believe that you can restrict Addresses by Search Type (for example to protect Employee addresses from general view), but I don't know how well that would work in this case. You would have to have a specific Search Type for this address. That might not be practical.

Another option would be to create a file of User/Parent and to incorporate your own additional security into the program(s) that required it.

If this is going to be for a number of users / accounts it might be the best way.

I assume this is for something like Sales Order Entry etc?
I did consider search type security, but I don't want to change ABAT1 on that set of customers.

Same thing goes for changing the MCU.

I'm SURE that would cause an issue somewhere else.

Yes, it's to secure an new sales rep to "their" custs w/in Cust Svc Inquiry.
Yes, I'm going to base it on F0150 (Parent/Kids).
Yes, I'm going to code it as /copy so it can be used elsewhere.

I can use FKEY security to keep them out of trouble w/in P42520.
Menus, versions and such are easily locked down.

Thanks for the confirmation(s) that I've got some RPGing to do.


Just had a thought, the easiest way to do this might be to create a UDC table keyed on the User Id, with the related Parent Address in the 1st Description.

Change the program so that it checks to see if the User exists in the table. If it does, lock any inquiries down to the Parent/Child addresses, else allow any.

Hope this helps.
That would limit the user (10 positions) to a single AB#.
I went w/ USER, AN8 for the table (AN8, User for an LF).

The (/copy) code checks for ANY rows for this user (none=unrestricted),
and then compares PA8, AN8, SHAN for a hit (allowed).

It works like a charm and felt GOOD to do some "heads-down" coding.

Thanks (again)
I thought you were looking for a single Parent/Children, that's the way I interpreted your original post. However, looking back at it, you could also read it as multiples.

Your solution sounds good. I like to keep things flexible and controlled via tables. No hard coding required, except to add the code.