Hello Houston Area User Group Members!!
If you were not able to attend our Q2 meeting, then this is a unique, and very important, notice for you. It's time for you to nominate yourself, or someone else, for the various positions on our board. Please review the attached memorandum for a list of...
Registration is now open for the Q2 meeting of the Houston Regional User Group. Click the registration link on the home page. Great networking, education, Maggiano's food and amazing giveaway prizes including a TV.
You are invited to the HUG Fourth Quarter 2023 Holiday Casino Night Event!
December 8th 2023
4pm to 8pm CT
2019 Post Oak Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77056
Will we see you Wednesday?
We've seen several who thought they registered for HUG's Q3 - but turns out they did not complete the process. We hope that hasn't happened to you. As we currently have limited seating, registration is required for this event.
To make sure you ARE registered...
Dear JDE Friends,
Attached find the Wired For Success newsletter. You can see that a lot is happening!
We hope you enjoy our articles and the creativity of the board and the sponsors. See attached.
If you haven't already, reply with an email with the word YES in the message body to RSVP for...
Dear JDE Friends,
Attached find the Wired For Success newsletter. You can see that a lot is happening!
We hope you enjoy our articles and the creativity of the board and the sponsors. See attached.
If you haven't already, reply with an email with the word YES in the message body to RSVP for...
Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 12:00 CST
DWS Presents:
The Value of Test Automation for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
When it comes to enterprise software projects, testing can account for up to 65 % of the overall time and effort. So why do we test?
At its heart, change involves risk and testing...
THIS WEEK SYTAX and HUG Present on Thursday March 11, 2021 | 2:00 PM EST
“Get Your Shovel: Digging in and Debugging JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ADF Connectivity”
Featuring: Chris Garner, Senior Technical Consultant - Syntax
Have you ever had an issue where ADF just does not seem to connect or...
January 1, 2021
Dear HUG Members,
Thankfully it is a new year! Let us all hope for a happy and healthy 2021.
We accomplished a lot during the past challenging year including:
• The decision to move the Q1 meeting to the Oracle office in Allen Center when HESS Club closed permanently.
August 14, 2020
Dear HUG Members,
The board is excited to re-connect with YOU, the Oracle JDE customer members. Melody Benabou, our VP sponsor membership, and Tim Randall, our Executive VP and VP Programs, have been working diligently with our loyal sponsors who have stayed with us during this...
Please mark your calendars for the HUG 2020 Q1 Meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 26th 2020 at the Hess Club in Houston.
More details will be available soon.
For more information on the Houston Regional Users Group for JD Edwards Users please visit our website at www.houstonusersgroup.org
The 9th Annual HUG Holiday Social Networking Event and Casino Night is upon us and this year with something new. Prior to the event, the HUG Executive BOD is excited to present for the first time a “Hands-On Lab” on UXOne brought to you by iLearnERP and ERP Suites with the HUG Holiday Social...
The new HUG website features tools for:
---Communicating between board members, members, and the general public using newsletter, blogging, email, and calendar functionality.
---Professionally presenting your chapter’s image and easily controlling the web content.
---Working on the Board is...
Registration Now Open for the 2019 Q3 Meeting of the Houston Regional Users Group for Oracle JD Edwards Users on Thursday, September 26, 2019 7:45 AM - 1:45 PM (Central Time) at Hess Club 5430 Westheimer Road in Houston.
Where did the summer go? Ours, like yours, was busy with summer...