
  1. JDENET SLL and XMlInterop

    We use the xmlinterop C libraries to communicate with JDE. Recently we have a server where SSL has been turned on for JdeNet, and now we are getting the error: "wrong version number" in the JDE debug logs. The only thing about this I can find on Oracle support is a bug reported and fixed in...
  2. indibda

    Load Balancing BSSV instances on OCI

    Hi Everybody, We are implementing JDE 9.2 on OCI. Currently, our HTML instances are hosted on weblogic server and we have an oracle load balancer hosted above our web servers for high availability, load balancing and fail over. Now, we are looking for similar configuration for our bssv instance...
  3. BSSV for RSS using TLS1.2 on WebSphere

    Hi all, Is anyone using BSSV for RSS on WebSphere with TSL 1.2. We are trying but have a problem as a wireshark capture indicates that the connection is being downgraded to TLS 1.0 which the supplier web site rejects as they require TLS 1.1 or 1.2. IBM support says the RSS application is not...
  4. How to secure custom business services using SSL ?

    Just curious to know how to secure custom JAX-WS business services developed (Tools and weblogic 10.3.6). I've built the bssv package and deployed into the weblogic application server. My custom business service deployed is not secured. No errors found in clientBuild package. Any...
  5. Consume Https BSSV with .Net

    Dear All, i need your help in my problem with a custom BSSV that i have created as the steps in the document after the BSSV deployed by a package to the web logic 10.3.5. the BSSV is secured by a self signed certificate created with keytool...
  6. Consume Https BSSV with .Net

    Dear All, i need your help in my problem with a custom BSSV that i have created as the steps in the document after the BSSV deployed by a package to the web logic 10.3.5. the BSSV is secured by a self signed...