Z file process errors

Scott Beebe

Reputable Poster
I have run into a very annoying thing in 8.9 related to Z file processing. When you run a Z file process and you have errors you can go to the WC to review what the errors are. In 8.9 it still does it usually. Anyone familiar with the process will know that the errors are in a hierarchal list based on batch, transaction number, line number, etc. Each level would have an identifier label in the tree view. As you clicked on each level you would see a description in the window to the right of the tree view. It was very nice.
In 8.9 the error messages in the WC do not have a description or indentifier in the tree view for each of the levels, it's all blank. You have to click on each item and read the description in the window to the right to see what it is. You can no longer just scan through the tree view list to find what you are looking for. UGH!
Has anyone else seen this? Has anyone heard of a fix?
With each new version the product should be getting incrementally better and mor stable. And up until 8.9 JDE/peoplesoft did a good job of it, although we sometimes wish they would have taken bigger steps. From a technical development perspective 8.9 has gone back several big steps which is really frustrating to me. It reminds me of when I started working with OneWorld over 5 years ago.
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