E9.0 XT4114Z1 - Begin - Edit - End - being able to skip records in a batch



VIP Member
Hi folks

I have cloned R47121 and added extra logic to it's validation. My issue is I want to know how to get the code to skip or just rollback the bad records I read whilst letting the others flow in

I am struggling to get my head around how to do a skip or set 'bad' records in a loop when using the begin edit end BSFNs for XT4114Z1
Is there a way to set the F4114 Edit line cache entry to ERROR so the End doc skips it

Example. 10 records on F47122 and 2 are 'bad' some of these are our own error checks, not E1s in the BSFNs etc, I want to let 8 hit F4111/F41021 etc but skip the 2 bad ones
I guess I can do that in the code by skipping the F4114 Edit Line when my code detects errors, but can I do this a smarter way by updating the cache?? (As I want to let the BSFN flow to see if E1 will throw any errors of it's own)

So how can I get this UBE to do that when the End doc is back in the F47121 header section that called the F47122 detail and edit line per record.
Is there a way to set the F4114 Edit line cache entry to ERROR so the End doc skips it. Is it call it again with Line Action = D maybe???

Hope that makes sense????


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For anyone else reading this in the future, you don't need to worry about it. The way it works and loads the data into cache then finally only pushes good entries into the database is all taken care of inside the BSFN itself
So just call it as you read them and let the BSFN handle the error edit line calls
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