XMLInterop Question


Active Member
Hi -

I am wondering if anyone has any experience with XMLInterop. We are exploring it currently as a way to execute a business function within our environment iSeries backend, windows web front end. There seem to be 1000 ways to skin this thing, just curious what everyone has done. We would be executing the function from a NON JDE server, but the server is still on the network behind the DMZ.

Really curious what everyone else has done to accomplish this.
XML Interop is very simple and effective IMHO. Assuming your NON JDE server is Wintel, you can use a Java or native (DLL consumption) method of invoking the BSFN. You should find several posts with the details (required libs and function signatures) within the JDELIST archive. If you have more question, let us know your detailed environment on the client side and overall requirements.

Hi Craig,

Thanks very much for the reply. Yes, i've found the DLLs (see below). Will be writing an application to handle this - do you recommend Java? I'm trying to guide a third party on how to execute this function within Edwards. Their application is based in c#. Obviously they can import the DLLs to their application and execute but wondering if it may be easier to compile my own Java based app and have them just call that. Thoughts?

It really depends on the ecosystem of the calling app. If it's a java app, then use java, otherwise use the DLLs. For DLLs, beware the bitness of the calling app. 64bit apps can't call functions in a 32bit DLL. Starting with 9.3.2 , x64 foundation is available.

XMLInterop is a very viable interop technology. We have used it extensively for years with multiple in-house applications with our highest volume transaction application (POS) using it. It is fast, stateful (if you need that) and, with a few minor hickups over the years, has been very reliable for us. There are also 3rd party commercial products that rely on the technology, one of which we also own and use. We used the Java libs for our internally developed applications, but I believe the third party solution that we use is using the DLL libs that Craig mentioned.
We do not actually use these DLL's, we implement direct calls into JDE XML kernels, which makes it faster.
Alex, if you are responding to me I wasn't talking about any of your products. We use rfSmart and I believe they use XML Call Object.
Ah, Ok, I thought you were referring to our SSO that uses XML as well.
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