Want to develop an organizational security matrix and security policy and procedures document


Want to develop an organizational security matrix and security policy and procedures document

I have been coming across interdepartmental wars over who should have access to what or who should approve batches in the absence of and so forth, so to be proactive, I thought I develop a security matrix, and security policy and procedure document that is custom to my organization. But I'm having trouble starting one. I was wondering if anyone has a similar document or give me a starting point. Any ideas?
Re: Want to develop an organizational security matrix and security policy and procedures document

I have a similar requirement. I have 15 staff members and I need to evaluate and plan for their JDE training. I need a JDE skills matrix that I could use to evaluate their skill's levels. Has anyone seen something that I might be able to use or to change for my own reuqirements. Some are functinal and others are developers. Thanks
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