Voucher matching with multiple suppliers no longer allowed

Marc Ytebrouck

Hi All,

We are preparing the installation of the Hungarian localizations of OneWorld and one of the pre-requisites for this is the installation of ESU JJ14289. Within that ESU, there is SAR 8334291 included, which is changing back the functionality which allows voucher detail lines with different suppliers to be vouchered simultaneously. The reason (as described in the SAR) for this changing back is because of problems in the areas such as currency and additional lines created during the voucher match.
Currently however we use this functionality often and we certainly don't want to loose this.

Concrete – before applying the SAR as mentioned above - until now we have the possibility in OneWorld to match during the voucher matching (application P0411 / P4314) receipts of different suppliers on one and the same supplier. Theoretically this functionality is needed in two cases :

1. Purchase orders are being sent to one specific parent-supplier but the goods are being delivered and being paid to the child-supplier(s) which physically deliver the goods. This means that the purchase order and thus also the receipt is being registered on the parent but the matching (and thus the payment) is done on one of the child-suppliers.

2. Purchase orders are being sent to the child-supplier(s) which physically deliver the goods but the payment is being done to the parent-supplier. This means that the purchase order and thus also the receipt is being registered on the child-supplier but the matching (and thus the payment) is done on the parent-supplier.

Unfortunately after applying the SAR, this functionality will not be available anymore. Oracle claims that they have ‘opened’ this functionality by accident (they say that the supplier field should never have been accessible / changeable during the selection of the open receipts) and that this can sometimes create data integrity problems (which apparently they are not able to solve).

We are one OneWorld release 8.11 SP1 Tools release 8.95 O1 on AS/400, websphere 5.

Did anybody meet the same problem and if so how did you solve it or which work around did you apply ?

Many thanks for your help.
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