Voucher match and a simple invoice discount



This feels like a really simple question, but I've searched, read the JDE manual and I'm not in luck.

We are simply trying to voucher match against a receipt, and apply an invoice discount at voucher match time and have the AAI's (PKD and PKL) record this discount as a discount in the Gl.

A bit more detail:

At standard voucher entry (matching from a receipt) we're trying to take a variance between the JDE receipt against the actual supplier invoice and list it as a discount.

The only discount field here is called available discount, and when we type in each lines discount it doesn't change the amount remaining on the header which exists between the receipt and the gross amount on the supplier invoice.

The invoice from the supplier is simple, and looks like this:

Item Qty Price Discount Total
123 15 150.00 25.00 125.00

The receipt was performed at the full $150.00 as the discount wasn't yet known, so now at voucher match it needs to be recorded, and this is NOT a discount based on payment by the due date... so this discount should be applied now and remove the variance (and record it to the GL).

In the header of the voucher entry we typed in the gross amount as $125 (this is the gross amount of the supplier invoice), on the line we type in a discount available of $25.00 but JDE (because of the receipt) still believes it requries $150.00 and shows a remaining amount of $25.00.

Our thoughts on it are that the column Discount Available only kicks in at payment time if you've paid on or before the early date.... so the question is how do we force through a discount at point of voucher entry?

I have checked the line type setup, and I can see that "Include in Cash Discount" has been turned on. "Voucher Match Variance Account" is turned off - not sure if this needs to be on?

Many, many thanks.
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